
Yesterday I decided to go to Pride 2010 with some friends. So, the night before, we packed half of Walmart's stock of fruit and granola bars as we prepared to set off into the gay beyond.

After waking up at 6 am, gorging myself on Chick Fil A and packing our various noms, Emily, Arron and I went to kill time at the Antique & Crafts Mall in Deer Park. There were many vintage camera and stuffed bobcat wonders to behold, and much mediocre bathroom graffiti to scoff at. But token gay boy, Arron, soon became distressed as he realized that he was without a picture taking/memory capturing device...

So we stopped at Dollar General to shut his whiny ass up, though I was left empty handed when Emily denied me the civil right of owning a cheap, plastic Iron Man mask.

Being in Texas, it was disgustingly hot even in the shade, but we all remained excited. Around 11:30, we picked up two more friends and began our descent into the concrete hell of downtown Houston. We were almost to our destination when Emily's GPS decided to be a cranky bitch and had us drive everywhere else except Montrose. JOY.
But we finally found our way and parked our noble steed in a Kroger's parking lot, though, only to be told by security guards that we had to be Kroger customers or we'd be towed. So after parking in a parking garage across the street we cut through the parking lot to get to Pride.
Passing this little gem on the way:

He also likes to store his beer in trees and wage eternal wars with Mockingbirds.

There were a lot of interesting people at Pride, though I found these two to be particularly awesome. I'm really happy with how both these pictures came out, but that second one makes my heart smile. She was a mega beautiful person.
The man had terribly rad piercings and was very sweet.

We also met some very awesome people under The Big Gay Tree and they were kind enough to share some bubble fun with us.
Unfortunately, the bubbles weren't as delicious as they were magical... Though, I believe his name was, Caito was able to catch a few on his tongue.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is talent.

And though Pride was fun, overall it was a tad disappointing. So we headed off to find Sedation Bookstore... at least I think that's what it's called. Whatever. It's some anarchist bookstore with this on the wall:

So, for my first Pride, I was kinda disappointed but I could probably see myself going again...
At least it was free.

(Last three photos taken by Emmy Bolner!)

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